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City Centre Chiropractic Fees

Losing anything, especially your health, will require an investment of your time and money to recover it. Rest assured that our fees are competitive with other offices in the region.

Once we have an opportunity to evaluate your case, we’ll explain what we’ve found and what we think it will take for you to get well, and just as important, to stay well.
Service Fees
Initial Assessment $80.00
Mini Assessment $50.00
Adjustment – Adult $50.00
Adjustment – Senior $45.00
Adjustment – Child (18 and Under) $45.00
X-ray $70.00
Laser $50.00
Laser Add-On $10.00
Orthotics $500.00

*All current patients on a plan your fees will not change until renewal of your plan.

Financial Policy and Chiropractic Corrective Plan

We are committed to providing you with the best chiropractic care possible in a caring environment and have established our financial policies to achieve that goal. You will be expected to pay for your chiropractic care at the time the service is rendered unless you arrange a payment plan in advance. If you are just beginning chiropractic care, more often than not, your health benefits will not cover the entire corrective program that is necessary. We offer Corrective Adjustment Plans (CAP), these plans are designed to be the most cost effective way to get to the root cause of your condition. Details of these plans will be discussed with you during your Report of findings.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Injuries arising from a motor vehicle accident are eligible for coverage under the Auto Insurance Act. Please advise our assistant immediately if this is the case. You must also notify the insurance company of your decision to seek chiropractic care. As a primary health care provider, we can initiate the necessary insurance forms to get your treatment approved.

City Centre Chiropractic Fees | (905) 897-5005